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I've been wanting to write this article for years but kept resisting because I wasn't comfortable talking about, especially not on a platform as The Odyssey. However, after many years of being silent, I thought writing about my identity struggles as a mixed-race girl would help shed some light on what people with backgrounds similar to mine go through.


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The Gift Charleston Gave Me

"It was my first solo trip as an adult and I loved it." 


"I am the type of person that once an idea sprouts up in my head, it stays there until I decide to do something about it. Once the idea of driving to Charleston came about, it wasn’t long before I had the money saved up. This little escapade was going to happen one way or another."


Grief: The Ever Present Companion

"Grief is never-ending. It seems to disappear for a bit then out of the blue, it comes back into your life—just to remind you that it’s still hanging around."


"Today grief reminded me that it was still present in my life. While reading about the passing of a bloggers beloved pet, I discovered tears running down my cheeks uninhibited. It took me a few seconds to realize I was crying, not just in sympathy for the loss of a beloved family pet, but because it reminded me of my own loss not quite two years ago."

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